Makan-makan with BFF

sabtu lepas aku ada buat makan-makan khas untuk org yg nak serang rumah.
tak larat ah nk buat open house. yang neh pun just invite kawan-kawan rapat je.
yang best kali neh sweet GIRLFRIEND aku tuh tlg memasak sekali.
tu yang menu untuk tahun neh banyak giler aku leh buat.

Forever BFF yang dr awal start event sampai habis still lepak lg kat rumah aku.
tolong perabih makan. tak tau la bape round da dorg makan tu.

kalau ade this guy mmg xkan senyap la.
confirm meriah sbb dye duk membahan semua orang. heee

Menu untuk sabtu hari tuh

bihun goreng udang dan kek coklat moist by girlfriend
&& sushi tuh gf buat khas untuk aku. heee
mengidam lame giler da.

tuan rumah untuk sabtu lepas.
me && GF

hari tuh boleh pulak terlupa nak ambil gambar ramai-ramai sebagai kenangan.
tgh plan nk buat photoshoot raya with BFF tp tuh la tgh bz pulak sekarang neh.

p/s: thanks to semua yang datang dan tolong perabihkan semua makanan terutama takip,atok,edy,bob & GF yang stay dr mula sampai habis. tak lupa jugak Botak yang sanggup drive dr Perak & his GF. ouhh ye. cik abang nabil tu xdpt dtg ari tu. sbb dye mengade-ngade. hehe

Riang Ria Raya di Kelantan

seperti kebiasaan sejak dari dulu sehingga sekarang.
 Setiap kali tiba musim Raya tak kira raya cina ke, Raya Aidiladha or Aidilfitri 
mesti plus wajib balik Pasir Mas, Kelantan.
Rumah adik abah plus rumah Pakcik mama. (adik abah been married with pakcik mama)
complicated bukan. 
tapi dengan dorang la kteorg paling rapat. dah macam parents kedua.
lagi2 after mama xde. semua bende akan refer dgn dorang.
and hubungan kiteorg bkn sahaja atas nama cousin bahkan dah macam siblings yang susah senang sama-sama.

My Family. 
it's been third year without Mom

Second Family

with Tokdik (adik arwah ayah) at Tanah Merah
Ayah = datuk

we're forever siblings

Lastly with Family belah Mama

mama ade 3 orang adik-beradik je. pak ngah && paksu
&& yang tengah2 wearing glasses is our MEK
rumah dorang semua dalam satu kampung je. 

btw betul2 respect abah. walaupun mama dah takde tapi abah still suruh kiteorg jaga hubungan family dengan mek,paksu && pakngah.
and abah sendiri still care dgn dorang. kalau org lain rasanya xde dah kot.

RAYA 2013

selamat hari raya. maaf zahir && batin 

Resepi udang goreng tepung paling simple

1 cawan tepung beras
1/2 cawan tepung gandum
lada hitam
cara memasak
1.campurkan tepung,lada hitam,garam dan air. kacau sehingga rata.jangan cair sgt dan jgn pekat sgt.
2.masukkan udang dan ratakan tepung.
3.panaskan minyak dan goreng udang dengan api sederhana sampai perang.

RESEPI siakap kukus limau


  1.  siakap limau kasturi (amik jusnya) 
  2. bawang merah (hiris)
  3.  bawang besar (hiris)
  4.  cili merah (hiris)
  5.  cili api (hiris) 
  6. serai
  7.  daun limau
  8.  air sedikit (optional)
  9.  halia (hiris) 

 cara memasak.
 1.masukkan semua bahan ke dalam loyang. tutup dgn aluminium foil.
 2.kukus selama 15 minit.

RESEPI ayam masak sambal kicap


  •  cili kering * 
  • bawang merah *
  •  bawang putih * 
  • halia * 
  • cili merah 
  • kicap 
  • bawang holland
  •  ayam (digoreng dahulu) 
  • air 

 * kisar

 cara memasak.

 1.tumis bahan yang telah dikisar sehingga pecah minyak.
 2.masukkan kicap, air, bawang holland, cili merah dan kacau.
3.masukkan ayam dan kacau sehingga rata.

RESEPI Juadah 8 Ramadhan

rebung masak lemak cili api
  • cili api
  • bawang merah
  • bawang putih
  • kunyit hidup
  • halia
  • serai
  • rebung 
  • santan
  • garam
  • daun kunyit

cara memasak

1.kisar bawang merah,bawang putih,cili api,kunyit hidup,halia.
2.masukkan bahan kisar,rebung,santan,daun kunyit dan serai ke dalam periuk.
3.kacau sehingga mendidih,perasakan dgn garam dan siap.

#gambar credit to en google. hee. lupe nk snap.

Resepi Juadah 7 Ramadhan

sambal udang petai

  • bahan-bahan
  • udang
  • cili kering *
  • petai
  • bawang merah*
  • bawang besar (hiris bulat)
  • garam
  • gula
  • air asam jawa

* kisar

cara memasak
1.tumis bahan yang telah dikisar sampai pecah minyak.
2.masukkan air asam jawa
3.masukkan udang,petai dan bawang besar.
4.perasakan dgn garam dan gula.

#kali neh tak letak petai byk sbb abah sorg je yg lain semua xmkn petai.

6 ramadhan

Resepi soto

  • nasi himpit (rebus sampai masak)
  • bihun (rendam sampai lembut)
  • daun bawang *
  • daun sup *
  • bawang goreng *
  • dada ayam
  • cili api
  • bawang putih
  • bawang merah
  • halia
  • limau nipis
  • sup bunjut (sup tulang)
  • ikan bilis (goreng garing) *
  • kacang tanah (goreng tanpa minyak) *
  • air
  • taugeh *
  • gula 
  • garam
  • ubi kentang
  • lada sulah
  • telur (pukul)
  • minyak masak

* : bahan hiasan

cara memasak

sup ayam
1.rebus air, dada ayam,halia,bawang putih sampai ayam masak. perlahankan api dan keluarkan ayam.
2.masukkan sup bunjut, garam, bawang goreng dan siap
3.dada ayam carik2 kan bagi sederhana halus.

cili kicap
1.kisar cili api,bawang putih,kicap,gula dan air sikit. siap.

bergedil ayam
1.goreng ubi sehingga perang dan toskan.
2.lenyekkan ubi dan masukkan daun sup,daun bawang,lada sulah,garam,dada ayam yg dicincang.
3.bentukkan jd bulat kecil dan tekan sedikit.
4.celup dalam tepung dan goreng sehingga masak.
5.ulang step 3 sehingga 4 sampai siap.

4 Ramadhan

Resepi nasi goreng kerabu
bawang merah*
bawang putih (dicincang)
bunga kantan *
daun limau*
kacang panjang*
cili api*
nasi putih
*dihiris halus
cara memasak
1.gaul nasi putih dgn garam. ketepikan.
2.tumis bawang sehingga layu. masukkan udang dan sotong.
3.apabila air sotong dan udang da kering masukkan nasi putih dan kacau rata.
4.masukkan semua bahan bertanda * dan gaul sehingga sebati.
5.hidang dengan hirisan pelam epal.

3rd ramadhan

resepi ayam goreng kunyit
bwang merah (hiris)
bawang putih (hiris)
bawang besar (belah 4)
kunyit hidup (tumbuk)
halia (tumbuk)
serbuk kunyit
kacang panjang (potong memanjang)
carrot (potong memanjang)
cili merah (potong serong)
ayam (potong kecil)
cara memasak
1. gaul ayam dgn serbuk kunyit,garam,halia && kunyit hidup yg ditumbuk.
2.goreng sehingga garing sedikit. dan ketepikan.
3.tumis bawang sehingga layu.
4.masukkan carrot,kacang panjang, cili merah.
5.apabila carrot da lembut.masukkan ayam dan kacau seketika.
6. siap.

2nd Ramadhan


  1. ikan bawal
  2. sos cili
  3. sos tomato
  4. sos tiram
  5. 1 sudu besar tepung jagung
  6. 2 sudu besar serbuk lada putih
  7. capsicum
  8. carrot
  9. 1 biji cili merah (hiris)
  10. daun sup (hiris halus)
  11. daun bawang (hiris halus)
  12. 3 biji bawang merah (hiris)
  13. 3 biji bawang putih (hiris)
  14. 1 biji bawang besar (belah 4)
  15. 1/2 halia (hiris)
  16. 2 cawan air
  17. tomato (belah 4)
Cara Memasak
  1. perap ikan dengan serbuk lada putih && tepung jagung selama 10 minit
  2. goreng ikan sehingga garing dan ketepikan
  3. tumis bawang merah, bawang putih & halia
  4. masukkan sos cili, sos tomato & sos tiram
  5. kacau seketika dan masukkan air.
  6. masukkan carrot (untuk lembutkan carrot) dan kacau sehingga kuah menjadi pekat.
  7. masukkan capsicum,tomato,cili merah & bawang besar.
  8. kacau sehingga sebati
  9. tuangkan keatas ikan dan tabur hirisan daun bawang dan daun sup.

sampingan untuk hidangan ramadhan kedua

1st Ramadhan



  1. 6     ulas bawang merah*
  2. 3     ulas bawang putih*
  3. 15   biji cili kering*
  4. 1/2  halia *
  5. 1/2  lengkuas*
  6. 1/2  kunyit hidup*
  7. 15   biji cili api*
  8. 1/2  cawan kerisik
  9. 5     cawan santan
  10. 3     helai daun kunyit (dihiris nipis)
  11. 4     batang serai *
  12. garam && gula
  13. ayam dipotong kecil
bahan bertanda * kena kisar

Cara-cara memasak
  1. masukkan ayam, bahan kisar dan masak sehingga air ayam kering.
  2. masukkan santan dan kacau sehingga kering / mengikut kuah yg diingini
  3. masukkan kerisik && daun kunyit. kacau sehingga sebati
  4. dan siap :) boleh dimakan bersama dgn nasi panas, ketupat mahupun nasi himpit. 

juadah 1st ramdhan full version

Assignment STID 1103 Purpose

Kittens are so wonderful! But they do take some special care.
Weaning. Mothers usually begin to wean their kittens at about 4 weeks of age. By 8 weeks of age, the kittens are eating solid food. Older kittens who are still with their mothers may occasionally nurse, but this is more for comfort and reassurance than for nutrition.In general, kittens should not be removed from their mothers until they are at least 8 weeks of age. Kittens seperated from their mothers at too young an age require special care.

Milk. Do not give your kitten cow's milk - it can make them sick and give them diarrhea. You can obtain mother's milk replacer for young kittens at many of the pet stores in the area. When the kittens are 8 weeks or older, they no longer need the milk but may enjoy it anyway. Milk that has been specially processed for cats to consume safely is available from many local groceries.Food. You can offer your kitten either dry food, canned food, or both. Be sure to choose food which is designed for kittens. They require a diet which is especially rich in protein, calcium, and other nutrients. Cat food that is for adults is not sufficient. Your young cat will need the enhanced kitten food until he or she is a year old. Young kittens need to eat every few hours, because their tummies are so small. I like to feed them canned food several times a day but also have a bowl of dry food available for them to munch on whenever they wish.

Water. Keep clean, fresh water available to your kitten at all times. The bowl should be low enough for the kitten to able to drink from it easily. Some kittens enjoy playing in the water and even tipping over the bowl, so you may need a heavy bowl. Place the bowl when it won't get dirtied by litter etc.

Warmth. Young kittens need to stay warm, but their bodies are too small to retain body heat well. That is why they like to cuddle up together, or curl up under your chin or in your lap to sleep. Kittens younger than about 10 weeks need a warm place to be, such as under an incadescent lamp or in a warm, lined box or kitty bed. This is especially important if you have only one kitten.

Litter boxes. Kittens will instinctively use the litter box as they get older, but their mother also helps to teach them. Make sure that a litter box with sides low enough for the kittens to get in and out is easily accessible. Use regular litter, not the clumping kind! Small kittens can lick themselves, swallow the clumping litter, and suffer dangerous blockages in their digestive track! Once the kitten is 3 months old, they can safely use the clumping litter. Keep the litter box clean - this encourages the kitten to develop good litter box habits.

Baths. Kittens will instinctively clean themselves, but the mother helps to develop this behavior too. You can help keep your little kitten by cleaning him or her gently with a damp washrag. Often they need to have their little rear-ends cleaned! This also helps to bond your kitten to you, since you are acting in the role of "mommy". They generally do not need real baths unless they have gotten especially dirty or if they need flea baths.

Petting. You can help your kitten become a friendly, well socialized cat by spending plenty of quality time with him or her. He will like be stroked gently around the ears and under the chin. Be sure to pet her all over her body, so she gets used to be touched even on her paws and tummy. They enjoy being touched gently by you and will grow to enjoy your smell and your voice. Speak in a low voice - they are afraid of loud noises!

Playing. Play time is very important to a kitten. They learn to socialize, develop physical skills, get exercise, and have fun! Kittens have a great time playing with each other - rough housing, stalking, pouncing, chasing, and grooming each other. Young kittens don't know they are hurting you when they grab at or bite your hand, or run up your pant leg, so be patient and forgiving. If you have just one kitten, you will the focus of all of his playmaking attention! You can "train" your kitten not to bite or scratch by giving a high-pitched yelp whenever she gets too enthusiastic. This is how kittens let each other know that the play has gotten too rough. An idea which can help save your arms from scratches is provide what I call a "wrestle buddy" for your kitten - a stuffed toy or old sock filled with soft cloth or socks - that they can be free to sink their little teeth and claws into. Use it to rough house with your kitten and she won't become accustomed to using you as her scratching toy!

Scratching. Your kitten will start to scratch at things at an early age. This is the time to start training her! Provide a small scratching post or flat scratching pad and keep it wherever she usually plays. Encourage her to use it by enticing her with a toy or with catnip. Gives her praise when she uses it, and give a loud yell ("CLAWS!) when she scratches the wrong thing. A loud voice is generally all it takes to communicate the error - don't hit her or squirt her with water. You can also start trimming her claws. Wait until she is sleepy and relaxed. Start by trimiming just a few of her claws, and don't force it if she starts to resist. Pet her and tell her good she is! She will soon get used to it, and it will become a lifelong good habit.

Veterinary Care

Deworming. Kittens will need to be dewormed at least once and probably twice. The "worms" are typically roundworms or pin worms. They are passed to the kitten through the mother's milk. Your vet can give your kitten a dose of medication such as Strongit to kill these parasites when the kitten is 6 weeks old or so. This should be followed 2 weeks later either by a second dose of medication or a fecal test to insure that all the worms have been killed.If after deworming, your kitten's stools are mushy, have mucus or blood in them, be sure to see your vet. There are other kinds of intestinal parasites, such as coccidia, that can infect kittens. These require different treatments depending on the parasites.

Distemper vaccination. Your kitty will need shots to prevent diseases, just as children do. The distemper vaccine typically includes protection not only for feline distemper but also some upper respiratory viruses. Feline distemper (panleukopenia) is a serious, often fatal disease that is easily transmitted, so don't delay getting this important vaccination. Your kitten should receive his first distemper shot when he is about 8 weeks old. A booster shot is then needed 3 to 4 weeks later. After this, your kitty will need annual boosters.

If your kitten seems sick. You must be attentive to your kitten's behavior, because small kittens can fade very quickly if not treated right away. If your kitten becomes sluggish, quits playing, and sleeps more than usual, then he is probably sick. He may also quit eating, and this is very dangerous since his liver may then shut down. If you notice that your kitten has quit eating, you may need to force feed him (see next item). Of course you should take the kitten to see your veterinarian as soon as possible!


edited using adobe photoshop



assignment STID1103 purpose


Hello May

firstly thanks to my FAMILY  && FRIENDS, those who had wish my birthday on 1ST MAY 2013. thanks also to those who had celebrate my birthday. 

from beloved GF

from beloved BF

From BBA classmate

p/s: Happy belated birthday to GF 'Boyfie" who had celebrate same birthday on 1st may && to My Atok Happy belated birthday to.

di suatu petang

di suatu petang sabtu aku recieved satu surat drpd government. ingatkan suruh bayar ptptn ke ape ker.

kite pergi cuba nasib je la. kalau dapat ALHAMDULILLAH. kalau x. kite usaha lagi :)